Get daily updates on keywords you’re ranking for but not tracking

Use our Keyword Suggestion feature to control how you show up in Google Search and own every result associated with your brand. Use’s rank tracker to gain valuable insights and data on keywords you’re ranking for but aren’t tracking in your campaign.

keyword research and suggestions

We’ve done the keyword research for you - all you have to do is start tracking

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We can share the dashboard link with the customer and they can check it daily or monthly. They see what we are doing is helpful and that makes the customer happy.
sander jonkers
Sander Jonkers
SEO Specialist, Juist

Find new keywords in 2 easy steps with our keyword suggestion feature:

Step 1:

Connect your Google Search Console account

Choose an account, and link a domain property from Google Search Console to a specific project, group or tag in This will give you access to suggested keywords with their referral source.

keyword suggestions from google search console

Step 2:

Set rules for discovering new keywords

Set unique filters to find your golden nuggets. From the average position to the number of impressions, click-through rate (CTR), location, or device, you can refine the search and save what you like.

keyword suggestions

Over 2,000+ Customers and Counting...

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Steven Kang

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