The Best Rank Trackers For Law Firms

You’ve created high-quality content and optimized your website for relevant keywords. But it doesn’t end there. You still need the best rank trackers for law SEO to have a well-rounded search engine optimization strategy.


A rank tracker is a tool for tracking how your web pages rank for different keywords on different devices and locations. It helps you keep up with unpredictable SERP changes, monitor competitors’ performance, and access real-time data to improve SEO execution. 


With that, here are the top seven keyword rank trackers for law firm SEO


Top Features  Price (per month)
  • Local rank tracking 
  • Keyword dashboards 
  • Integrations
Free plan; paid plans start at $3
  • Daily rank tracking 
  • PDF reports
  • Ranking history 
Starts at $89
  • Position distribution 
  • SERP features
  • Geo tracking 
Starts at $129
  • Keyword Suggestions 
  • Central dashboard 
  • AI-powered accuracy 
  • SEO suggestions
  • Email and PDF reports 
  • Competitor analysis
Free; paid plans start at $50
  • Competitor tracking
  • Custom notifications 
  • Automated reports 
Free; paid plans start at $129.95
  • Share of voice
  • On-demand data
  • Segmentation
Starts at $129


1. is one of the best law firm rank trackers is one of the best law firm rank trackers that punches far above its weight. It provides a comprehensive SEO monitoring tool that’s affordable and easy to use. 


You get weekly, daily, or bi-hourly ranking updates depending on your plan. It also has a rank tracker API that allows you to pull unlimited data into your SEO dashboards for more accurate decision-making. 


Beyond tracking keyword rankings in real-time, also provides share of voice data and keyword suggestions to improve your SEO strategy and execution. 


Here’s what Bernie Clarke, Founder of Majux, a leading digital agency for law firms, says about using’s rank tracker. 


“We have clients in major markets where accuracy and localization is very important. With, localization is dead-on. That’s a big thing.”


Top Features

  • Local keyword rank tracking: no need for VPNs. With, you can see exactly how you rank in specific geolocations — up to streets, cities, and zip codes. This is perfect, as local SEO is really important for law firms. You need to monitor whether your law firm ranks in local searches in the jurisdictions where you practice.


  • Keyword dashboards: automatically pull your keyword ranking data into intuitive, easy-to-understand SEO dashboards. You can share your keyword dashboard in one click as ViewKey real-time reports. That way, your clients and stakeholders can access the same dashboard as you for better transparency. 


  • Integrations: you can connect’s rank tracker to Google Looker Studio and Search Console for a more comprehensive view of your SEO performance. You can also use our rank tracker API to automatically pull data from our tool into your internal SEO reporting software like DashThis


Pricing has a free-forever plan for freelancers and solopreneurs with basic SEO tracking needs. Agencies and internal SEO teams can choose the Business Plan for more advanced rank tracking features. 


There’s also an Enterprise Plan for large-scale organizations with customized keyword monitoring needs. 


Check out the full pricing breakdown to see what each plan offers. 2


2. Wincher




It is flexible, and rank tracking can be complex, but it doesn’t have to be. With Wincher, even non-SEOs can easily monitor keyword rankings. 


Intuitive dashboard that’s easy to navigate. It also provides decent SEO monitoring features like ranking overviews and on-page SEO scoring. 


However, some users have reported slow data loading time and inaccurate search volume and positions. 


Top Features


  • Daily rank tracking: Get ranking updates daily to monitor your SEO performance. If you subscribe to their Standard or Professional plan, you can also get on-demand ranking tracking. 


  • PDF reports: Do you prefer PDF to web-based reports? You can share PDF rank tracking reports with your clients or internal stakeholders. 


  • Ranking history: You can view up to 24 months of ranking history to track SERP trends accurately.



Wincher doesn’t have a free plan but offers a free trial for its basic plans. It has two paid plans, Standard and Professional, which start at $89 and $319 per month, respectively.


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3. AccuRanker




While AccuRanker’s features and pricing are more tailored to enterprise SEO needs, you can also use it to track your law firm’s SEO performance. It offers on-demand updates, keyword grouping, and Share of Voice data, which we will discuss in a bit. 

However, some users find its interface confusing, affecting how much they can do with the tool. AccuRanker’s pricing plans are flexible but might be too expensive for law firms with minimal rank tracking needs.


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Top Features

  • On-demand updates: Refresh your AccuRanker dashboard anytime to get your latest keyword rankings. 
  • Segmentation: AccuRanker allows you to create keyword groups and segments to understand your ranking data better. 
  • Share of Voice data: See what percentage of visibility your web pages have in SERPs for a particular set of keywords. This data shows how much of the conversation or visibility you are capturing relative to your competitors.



AccuRanker uses a scaled pricing model, meaning the more keywords you track, the higher you pay. Its pricing starts at $129/month for 1,000 keywords, but you can get a 10% discount if you choose the annual subscription option. 


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Related: AccuRanker vs. SE Ranking — the ultimate rank tracker comparison


4. Ahrefs




Ahrefs is an all-in-one SEO suite with numerous features, including rank tracking. Its keyword tracking tool lets you monitor SERP performance on desktop and mobile devices. It also tracks SERP features and position distribution. 


Ahrefs is a decent choice for law firms looking for a full-fledged SEO tool, but it’s quite expensive. If you simply want to track keyword rankings accurately, you’re better off with a more affordable keyword monitoring tool like 


Top Features

  • Geo-tracking: Ahrefs lets you monitor your mobile and desktop keyword positions in 190 countries. 


  • Position distribution: It shows your keyword distribution across different positions in SERPs (positions 1-3, 4-10, and so on.) This gives you a comprehensive overview of your website’s visibility in search engines. 


  • SERP features: Ahrefs tracks 15 SERP features, including featured snippets, People Also Ask, and ads, to see if your web pages rank for them. 



Ahrefs offers four paid plans, starting at $129/month. It also has free webmaster tools for website owners who aren’t ready to invest in a professional SEO tool yet.


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5. Zutrix




Zutrix offers multiple SEO tools for growing your organic search performance — one of those tools is its keyword monitoring software. 


Designed for teams, individual marketers, and SEO agencies, this rank tracking tool uses artificial intelligence to monitor organic search results and provide precise SERP performance data. 


However, Zutrix has several limitations, such as basic reporting capabilities and poor customization options. Some users have also complained about the company’s non-responsive customer service. 


“Zutrix has the worst customer service. You can’t reach out to them if you face any issues while using the product. I have an issue with payments, and I can’t reach out to customer support; most of their contact buttons don’t work.”


Top Features

  • Keyword suggestions: Get automatic keyword suggestions to improve your SEO strategy and help you capture more positions in the SERPs. 


  • Central dashboard: Monitor all your SEO projects from one central dashboard. Bundle projects, export, and see performance without going into specific project pages.


  • AI-powered accuracy: Zutrix uses artificial intelligence to provide accurate SEO ranking data, ensuring you have the correct information to refine your SEO strategy. 



Like many tools on our list, Zutrix doesn’t have a free plan. It offers three paid plans, starting at $9/month, and you get a decent discount when you opt for an annual subscription. 


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6. Seobility




Seobility is an all-in-one SEO software and tools suite designed to help website owners and SEO professionals improve their website’s search engine rankings. The platform offers a comprehensive set of tools that cover various aspects of SEO, including on-page optimization, backlink analysis, rank tracking, and site auditing.


It allows you to track your website and competitors’ keyword rankings. Comparing your performance relative to your competitors can provide insights and reveal opportunities for improvement.


Top Features

  • SEO suggestions: Seobility uses on-page website crawling to suggest SEO improvements to improve your rankings. 


  • Competitor analysis: You can track competitor rankings to see how you measure against them in the SERPs for relevant keywords. 


  • Email and PDF export: You can export your ranking data in PDF or CSV formats to further use it on external platforms. 



Seobility has a Basic Plan that is free. It also offers two paid plans starting at $50/month. If you sign up for an annual subscription, you get 20% off the original pricing. 


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7. Semrush




Position tracking is one of the core features within the SEMrush suite of SEO tools. It allows users to monitor their website’s rankings for targeted keywords in SERPs. 


Semrush is designed to help marketers, SEO professionals, and business owners track the visibility of their websites and understand how well they perform in search engines for specific queries.


Like Ahrefs, Semrush is better suited for large companies looking for a robust SEO tool. Its cheapest plan costs $129.96/month, whereas packages start at $3/month — offering more tracking flexibility for smaller businesses. 


Top Features

  • Competitor tracking: You can see how your competitors rank for different keywords in specific locations. 


  • Custom notifications: Get alerts for changes in your keyword rankings so you can handle SEO issues promptly. 


  • Automated reports: You can create SEO reports in Semrush’s built-in PDF editor or export ranking data to Google Data Studio via the integration. 



You can use Semrush for free, but you’ll only have access to a few features. To enjoy its full capabilities, subscribe to its paid plans, starting at $129.95/month. 


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How to Choose the Best Rank Tracker for Your Law Firm

Here are three things to prioritize while shopping for a law firm SEO tool. 


  • Local rank tracking: As a law firm, you’re likely restricted to offering your services in a specific location. That’s why you need an accurate local rank tracker to monitor keyword performance for precise geolocations like cities and zip codes. 


This ensures you can effectively target and attract relevant clients within your operational boundaries.


  • Budget: Ensure that the rank tracker offers the best value for your budget. SEO is a long game, so you need a tool you can comfortably afford to minimize disruptions to your SEO execution in the long term. 


  • Accuracy: This is a big one. Rank tracker accuracy is the foundation of an effective SEO strategy. Without accurate data, you are pretty much flying blind — potentially missing out on opportunities to improve your search engine visibility and attract more traffic to your sites. 


The last thing you want is to invest time and resources into SEO execution only to find out that you are working with incorrect data. To save time, download our free report to quickly discover which keyword monitoring tool delivers the most accurate ranking data. The Most Accurate Keyword Rank Tracker For Law Firms stands out from other SEO rank trackers because of its flexible pricing, comprehensive features, and easy-to-use tool. 


It offers fully customizable plans to tweak to meet your agency or organization’s needs. You decide how much to pay based on the number of keywords you want to track and the tracking frequency. Plus, you can upgrade or downgrade your plan at any time. 

Check our full rank tracking features and reach out if you have any questions.